
Managers work with the C-Level Team to fulfill specific objectives, and all managers are also tutors.


Daniel Perelman, American

Tutoring Manager - Midwest & Website Maintainer

Hey! My name is Daniel Perelman. I’m currently in 11th grade and I live in the Midwest in the U.S.A. I like studying physics and political science, but I also have a passion for public service. I think Kara Tutoring will be a great way to give back to the community.

Dana Al-Taher, Jordanian

Tutoring Manager - Middle East & Central Asia

Hi! My name is Dana and I’m from Jordan. I am a very passionate learner, especially when it comes to math and computer science, so I plan on majoring in computer engineering in hopes of developing new technologies in the future. Besides that, I enjoy meeting new people, playing sports (I even played for Jordan’s National Volleyball Team for a year), reading, learning Spanish, and watching TV shows in my free time. I also believe one’s social responsibility towards their community, and so I hope that my work at Kara Tutoring makes a difference for those who need help.

Natasha Lal, American

Tutoring Manager - Bay Area

Hi! I'm Natasha, a high school senior. I'm passionate about STEM and Language Arts, and I want to use my skills to help the most marginalized in our society. Kara has been a great way for me to use my knowledge in standardized testing to help those around me.


Nathan Rubin, American

Manager of Diversity & Wellness

Hi! I’m Nathan and I’m a high school student in South Carolina, where I see a lot of social inequality and bullying. Hopefully, through Kara Tutoring, I can make a difference to kick-start a more accepting world. I’m interested in pursuing law in college and hope to target areas like the education system and criminal justice system. In my free time, I love to read, write, sing, volunteer, and hang out with friends.

Felix Zhan, Chinese-American

Tutoring Manager

Hey there! I'm Felix, a senior at Ed W Clark High School. I love CS and want to share that love with my community. Teaching has always been a passion of mine as well, and I'm excited to see what I can do at KT. I also aim to be a CS professor to, as Hannah Montana says, "get the best of both worlds".

Hala Osman, Egyptian

Tutoring Manager - Europe

My name is Hala Osman. I'm currently in 12th grade and live in Scotland. I'm an outgoing and dedicated math tutor. Through this service, I get to develop both intellectually and personally. I love inspiring and getting inspired equally, as well as seeing much of the impact that this has on others’ growth, confidence and future success!!!

Sanika Khare, Indian

Tutoring Manager - South Asia 1

Hi! I'm Sanika a current high school student from India. I love meeting new people and learning from the experiences they share. With Kara Tutoring, I am able to learn from every conversation while providing my students with the opportunity to achieve holistic self-development. In my free time, you can find me reading the news, learning new economics/business concepts, or just hanging out with my friends.


Amy Zhong, Chinese

Tutoring Manager - Southern California

My name is Amy Zhong and I'm currently a junior studying in the U.S. My interests include computer science and economics. I love doing community service and especially tutoring, which is why I decided to join Kara Tutoring. I understand the impact of a student's socioeconomic status on their standardized test scores, so I want to be a part of reducing this gap.

Amy Yang, Chinese-American

Internal Media Manager

Hi, I’m Amy! I’m currently entering my senior year (12th grade) of high school in Alabama. I have a passion for social justice and science, especially biology. I love to figure skate, travel, and do community service. In my free time, I enjoy researching topics I’m interested in like psychology and neurodiversity, hanging with friends, and watching tv shows.

Esraa Murad, Jordanian

Assignments Manager

Hey! My name is Esra’a and I'm passionate about sciences, especially biology and chemistry. Because of this, I believe that medicine or dentistry are the most suitable majors for me. I also enjoy debating, love to do sports(Taek Won Do), love to read, and most importantly watch Netflix. I really love to hear people’s out and guide them to the path they are suited for, and this why I have an excellent communication, listening, problem-solving  and analytical thinking skills that will help you all out!

Jiho Son, South Korean

Tutoring Manager - Africa

Hi! i am Jiho Son and I'm a junior (11th grade) living in Nairobi, Kenya. I tutor IB maths analysis. I play a piano, clarinet, and also rap! I hope to work with any student willing to learn.


Pranav Guntupalli, Indian

Tutoring Manager - South Asia 2

Hi! Im Pranav Guntupalli and I live in Bangalore, India. I am a Junior in IB and I want to major in Economics and/or Government. I'm a huge politics geek and I frequently write for my school paper. I usually pass time either playing squash or watching classic sitcoms.


Tzu-Chuan (Oscar) Weng, Taiwanese-American

Tutoring Manager - East Asia

Hi! I’m Oscar Weng, currently a senior at Taoyuan Wuling Senior High. I love baseball, books, movies and great music. I hope that we can make a difference, no matter how slight, for those who may be disadvantaged.

Image from iOS

Minseong Kim, Korean

Tutoring Manager - Eastern North America

Hi! My name is Minseong Kim, but most people call me Kevin. I go to Troy High School. I’m passionate about economics, accounting, track and field, and I also play the clarinet.


Lavanya Gupta, American

YouTube Manager

Hi! My name’s Lavanya and I’m a sophomore at a public high school in North Carolina. I’m passionate about biology, math, theater, and napping. I am thrilled to help others as part of the Kara Tutoring team!

Hayle Kim, Korean-American

Tutoring Manager

Hello! My name is Hayle Kim and I’m a high school senior living in Tennessee. I’m interested in Chemistry and public health! I love meeting and learning about new people, and I’m very grateful for the friendly, helpful community that KT provides. You can usually find me playing with my dog or eating fruit (grapes are my favorite).